I N S T I T U T O   P O U C H U L U   O F   E A R T H ' S    H A B I T A T    C H A N G E       Mob  Web  Arch

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2 - On Organicism

Patricio Pouchulu is an architect whose projects acknowledge new dramatic Habitat paradigms. Since 1999 he's been researching, analysing and advising on Habitat Change.

Homo Sapiens has produced a catastrophe on Earth, evidenced in Habitat loss and on what we know as Abrupt Climate Change which, according to scientific evidence, is leading our species to extinction. My expertise is dedicated to recommend active policies within and beyond architecture: from economical to political, from infrastructure to active learning. I promote educational programmes. I make people aware. You can find abstracts of my Book of Habitat Change, here.

What's happening?

We face a catastrophic Habitat event produced by 10.000 years of constant deforestation and 200 years of intensive pollution. Industries and human habitat did not change direction when they had to, triggering devastating positive feedback effects: unstable and rising global temperatures, ocean acidification and deoxygenation, land and water contamination, global dimming and other fifty factors that will not allow the survival of our civilization, as we know it. The greenhouse effect is devastating: our atmosphere is thin and fragile. The non-linear solar cycles of warming and hibernation can explain and frame climate events but not the rise of baseline average temperatures, which is producing dramatic Habitat loss with severe consequences: rising food price because of harvest failure, unsustainable mobility and, most notably, extinction of species. How do humans react? With frantic consumerism.

What can you do?

Get informed. Spread the word. We must stop burning fossil fuels, avoid plastic products, and start to consider the logic of passive energy sources, economical structures, local materials and minimum transportation. Do not trust brand new technical advance 'discoveries' or 'inventions'. The majority of them are unsustainble. Virtual reality is (basically) entertaining us, while deactivating children's writing and interpreting capabilities. We got trapped in mimic information. Habitat has a fragile 'psyche'. By 2030 three billion people will not have food nor shelter because of our presence as invasive species, over-population, over-exploitation and vulnerable infrastructure against extreme unstable weather. Economic and political paradigms are changing. Covid-19 is also a consequence of overpopulation.

What's next?

We have to learn how to optimise resources in order to re-inhabit our cities, as well as learning how to live with minimum mobility and in deserts, regions under torrential rain or on floating structures. We must consider new ecomomic models and correct financial principles, accepting that current consumerist habits are not longer valid. We will create re-balanced bike-villages that will exploit sustainable resilient forests and intensive agriculture, where feasible. Technology and resources will be used to monitor and sustain life form systems.

Interdisciplinary Work

My consultant work is based on three decades of thinking, interdisciplinary research and practice. The information I handle is highly valuable, scientific evidence from established individuals and institutions, and it can be accessed here.


You can contact me here, or: instituto@pouchulu.com

Photo: Mars, Martian dust storm, image catalogue number PIA15959, courtesy of NASA.

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